Custom Software Development Services
iTomography cost-effectively delivers practical solutions to challenges faced by manufacturers and end-users of CT and X-ray equipment for medical and industrial applications. Our services support scanner manufacturers and end-users at any stage of the product lifecycle – from feasibility analysis, to proof-of-concept, to commercial software licensing and deployment.
iTomography offers imaging products and services for the development of new medical and industrial CT/X-ray based applications in a number of areas, including but not limited to:
Radiotherapy (CBCT)
Pre-clinical Imaging
Dental (CBCT)
Image Guided Surgery
Microtomography (Micro-CT)
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
Oil and Gas Exploration
iTomography possesses algorithm and software development expertise in:
Pre-image reconstruction CT data processing
X-ray scatter correction
Beam hardening correction
Metal artifact reduction
Motion artifact reduction
Fast FBP-based 3D imaging
Iterative 3D Image reconstruction
Multi-energy image reconstruction
Reconstruction from truncated data
Custom applications of CT/X-ray based imaging
Optimization of 3D imaging solutions
Reduction of other unique imaging artifacts
Machine learning

More detailed information regarding iTomography’s completed projects is available upon request.